In 2011 the Government set out their definition of British Values in the 'Prevent Strategy'. They were reinforced in September 2014.
At Ivanhoe we are committed to developing our students, not only into successful learners, but also responsible citizens. We promote British Values across the school and curriculum to ensure that our students are prepared for life in modern Britain.
Across the school you will see these principals embedded into the school day in ways such as; our Behaviour Policies and behaviour expectations for students and our House Leader elections. Across the curriculum, particularly in PSHRE lessons, students will learn about modern global and British issues to allow them to develop their citizenship skills. This is further strengthened by our cross curriculum promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
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The Prevent Strategy has been developed in response to global issues with terrorism, and concerns in particular about the radicalisation of young people in Britain by extremist groups.
"Vocal or active oppostion to fundamental British Values, including democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces". (Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales 2015)
At Ivanhoe it is our most important priority to ensure that we safeguard our pupils and promote their wellbeing. Therefore we are committed to protecting our students from radicalisation in the same way we protect them from other harms (such as drugs, FGM, neglect, sexual exploitation). By acknowledging the Prevent Strategy we would like to inform all parents and carers that we will report any early signs of extremism to the Leicestershire Prevent Team.
You can find further information about the Leicestershire Prevent Team by clicking here.
Tel: 01530 412756
Tel: 01455 822841
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