This page is designed to give information about your official GCSE exams and to support you through preparations. If you have any queries or concerns about a particular exam, in the first instance speak to your subject teacher.
You must ensure that you pay close attention to the exam rules and guidelines.
Click the pictures to open the files
The awarding bodies have designated Wednesday 25th June 2024 as the ‘contingency day’ for examinations. This is consistent with the qualification regulators’ document ‘Exam System Contingency Plan: England, Wales and Northern Ireland’. This document can be found at
The designation of ‘contingency days’ within the common examination timetable is in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom. It is part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for examinations.
We must therefore remind candidates that they must remain available until Wednesday 25th June 2024 should an awarding body need to make use of these contingency sessions. Students, parents and carers should factor this into their plans for potential holidays.
GCSE Results Day 2024 – Thursday 21st August 2025
Candidates will need to come into school to collect their results on results day. Any results that aren’t collected on the day will be posted first-class to the candidate’s home address, unless we have been contacted by you to ask otherwise. Please ensure the school has your most up to date address if you change address around this time.
Senior members of staff will be available on results days to discuss results and help candidates decide on any submission of enquiries.
There are a range of resource available to support your revision. Ensure you plan your revision and use a range of techniques. We recommend students attend all school run revision sessions on offer for their subjects.
Subject Revision Resources
There are lots of online resource that can help you revise. The videos and activities may help you embed knowledge on the topics you find tricky.
There are a number of rules and regulations that you must follow when sitting your exams. It is your responsibility to ensure that you know and follow all of these rules.
Failure to follow the guidelines either intentionally or unintentionally is called ‘malpractice’. Any alleged, suspected or actual incidents of malpractice will be investigated and reported to the relevant awarding bodies. This could lead to your disqualification from an exam or subject.
Watch the below video for a summary of these rules.
For further guidance please refer to the JCQ candidate handbook and the additional documents here. (Click to open)
What should you wear to your exams?
You are expected to wear full school uniform for all examinations. In the exam you cannot put clothing on the back of the chair, so you may decide to leave your blazer with your belongings to ensure your comfort during the exam.
What items are prohibited (not allowed) in the exam room?
The following items are prohibited and should not be bought into the exam room:
· Mobile phones
· Any smart device that can connect to the internet
· Wristwatches (of any kind)
· Items to fidget with unless approved by the SENCo
· Food/chewing gum
· Tipp-Ex/correction pens
What calculators can I use?
We recommend that students use the Casio FX83GT CW Calculator to ensure that it meets JCQ requirements. If you have a different calculator please check if it is exam compliant with your teacher. Some examinations explicitly ban the use of a calculator. If you have one in your possession during one of these exams it will be classes as unauthorised material - that is malpractice.
What to do if you are unwell on the day of your exam
If you are unwell on the day of an exam, the examinations officer must be informed as soon as possible. Either by email or by phone (01530 412756 Ext 291)
Make an appointment at the GP and bring the medical note in for the examinations officer to make an application for special consideration.
If a candidate is unwell but manages to attend the exam, inform the examinations officer and provisions will be made to accommodate the candidate suitably and allow rest breaks etc. If there is a need to apply for access arrangements this can be done as an emergency. The exams officer will apply for special consideration once evidence from a doctor is brought into school to support the special consideration application.
Exams can only be sat on the designated date, despite any personal circumstances or illnesses. This is prescribed by JCQ.
If you are struggling with anxiety please speak to your parents, your teachers or our pastoral team.
If you are stressing about exams you may also find this guide useful:
Coping with Exam Pressure - Student Guide
Tel: 01530 412756
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